Last updated on March 17th 2024 from Cluj-Napoca, Romania 🇷🇴
In a few seconds
I was born in 1996. Had an amazing childhood living in a small village in North of Romania. Around 10, we moved to a small city to get a better education. Stayed there until 12th grade. Afterwards, went to study in Denmark and stayed there for 3 days. Came back to Romania because of the weather and depressive atmosphere. Never regreted it.
Studied computer science in Cluj-Napoca and remained here since. Worked since my second year of college as a programmer. First at Garmin and after that at Grubhub. Worked mostly using JVM based technologies but also went to dates with others.
At some point I got fat. Since then I started running or doing some kind of training. In the gym training with weights, biking or just taking steps every day. I don't have a six pack but at least I wear shirts comfortably. Recently, in 2023, got married with my best friend and ex-garmin-colleague, Maria. She is amazing, though she's got this thing against me and my sweet tooth.
I traveled a few contries, but can't say that's a passion of mine. I do it just because weather and food is sometimes better. Favorite place: Chiang Mai in Thailand. Favorite city: Singapore.
Ultimate dream: own a farm, automatize everything, eat healthy and pump iron in my home gym.
This website
This is my own place on the internet. Built and maintained by myself. I've never been a public person: no facebook, instagram, or other places humans use and I don't understand. This is the only place where I write personal things. X is for business only, but later on that one.
Most of what you find here is personal rambling. So you consent that you're losing time of your life reading it. Don't sue me, I can't give your time back. At times, I also write here for personal clarity, so those times you might actually learn something or at least see the struggles of another biped.
Thank you ❤️
I probably don't know you, but thank you for taking time and reading this. As for now, I leave you with a picture of my still-with-braces face.